Best Road Trip Games

Road trips are a great way to see the country and often save money over flying. The only downside here is that things can get a bit boring after hours in the car, especially for younger children. If you’re looking for ways to keep entertained that don’t require charged phones, here are some great road trips games to have in your back pocket!


This might be the quintessential road trip game. Someone will say, “I spy with my little eye something…” and fill in an adjective. Starting with colors is simple if you’ve never played, e.g., “I spy with my little eye something green.” Everyone else in the car will guess at what that thing is and whoever gets it correct gets to spy something next. As simple as that!

Don’t Say It

It’s literally just that. Pick a word or phrase not to say. Whoever goes from one stop to another without saying it wins. The best way to play is to pick something that’s nearly impossible to not use. Whoever says it the fewest times gets to pick the next word or phrase and it resets at every stop. 

Would You Rather?

This is a game that’s either terribly boring or absolutely hilarious to play with kids. It really depends on the kid. While likely more interesting to play with adults (or older children), it works for all ages, and you’ve probably played it before. Simply pose a “would you rather” question with two options, e.g., “would you rather give up desert forever or TV for five years?”

Two Truths and a Lie

Play this with your family at your own discretion. Might be better for friends. You’ve probably played this one already and know how it goes. If not, it’s quite simple. You make two true statements, and one lie, and your friends have to guess the lie. Whoever guesses correctly goes next. The best part is the high degree of creativity you have to work with when playing!

Name That Tune

Whether you use the radio or Spotify, this game is exactly what it sounds like. The first person to name the song as it comes on wins. You can play for points or have the winner get to pick the next song that plays. For a slightly easier game, go with Name The Artist.